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Your Architect Of Rhythm and Tunes


Drum-Construction: Is your music missing that “edge”? Breathe life into your tracks with authentic drums played in the studio and then integrated into your track or STEM.

Click Here to find out how it works.



Benie-Missions: Tailor-made commissioned tracks for content creators, brands and games. Using our unique, collaborative, riskless 5-stage composition process. Let your tracks speak your message!

Click Here to find out how it works.


Rule the emotion and message of your songs

  • Pick

Pick your packages! Breathe life back to a track you’re working on with my ‘Drum-Construction Package’. Or, have a track catered to what you need with my ‘Jingle/Full Vibes Package’.

  • Keep

Once I finish writing, producing and mixing your track and once you’ve reviewed my revisions of your package, you can use your new track to breathe life back to your personalized content.

  • Learn

Learn the step-by-step deconstruction of my work on your chosen package on YouTube, the blog page and through 1-1 calls with me!