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The Process

So what is the process of getting a ‘Drum-Construction’ or ‘Benie-mission’ package from benie brown? It’s pretty simple!~ Firstly, schedule a Zoom meeting with me using the button below.



Session 1 – Discovery: In this meeting, bring what you can to help us understand what you are looking for, alongside your project file we need to create the drum track. You do not need to have the best understanding of musical terminology. Instead – tell us about the mood and idea you want to evoke, the style you are looking for, and songs with drums or percussion that you want us to develop the “Drum Construction” into.

– We will then create drum “snippet” (a 30-second to a minute demo) in your project file. It is not the finished product, but it is a “bridge” we’ll use to come to a closer understanding of what you need.  It will be sent to you, via e-mail, and then..

Session 2 – Development (Review I): We’ll discuss the snippet to get to that closer understanding. In the meeting, we can discuss any changes, improvements and feedback. This will greatly contribute to changing the snippet to your preference or progressing your small snippet into a fully-developed drum track!

– The drum track will be sent to you, via e-mail, and then… 

Session 3 – Insight (Review II): in 2 days, we’ll have a review to make any desired adjustments, give any improvements and feedback in order to achieve your vision!

Session 4 – Inspection (Review III): The final review. We will have a final review to finalize your idea, mood and style. If you are completely satisfied in providing me the suggestions, we will master the drum track to be ready for mixing and mastering your track!

Session 5 – The Finale: Delivery of final product. We will provide you the project file, along with the exported audio file and the file’s stem for easy editing!


Session 1 – Discovery: In this meeting, bring what you can to help us understand what you are looking for. You do not need to have the best understanding of musical terminology. Instead – tell us about the mood and idea you want to evoke, the style you are looking for, and songs that have a similar feel.

– We will then create musical “snippet” (a 30-second to a minute demo). It is not the finished product, but it is a “bridge” we’ll use to come to a closer understanding of what you need.  It will be sent to you, via e-mail, and then..

Session 2 – Development (Review I): We’ll discuss the snippet to get to that closer understanding. In the meeting, we can discuss any changes, improvements and feedback. This will greatly contribute to changing the snippet to your preference or progressing your small snippet into a fully-developed track!

– Depending on which package you had purchased, we will create “Jingle” track (less than 90-second song) or “Full Vibes” track (less than 240-second song). Your track will be sent to you, via e-mail, and then… 

Session 3 – Insight (Review II): in 2 days, we’ll have a review to make any desired adjustments, give any improvements and feedback in order to achieve your vision!

Session 4 – Inspection (Review III): The final review. We will have a final review to finalize your idea, mood and style. If you are completely satisfied in providing me the suggestions, we will master your track to be ready for your content!

Session 5 – The Finale: Delivery of final product. We will provide you the project file, along with the exported audio file and the file’s stem for easy editing!

Once finished, I will send the audio track via e-mail. Please schedule another Zoom meeting to have a final discussion on the full-length track.

If you are completely satisfied with the final product, I will send the project file, along with the exported audio and its STEMs via e-mail.

All sessions will be recorded. A 10% discount is available to those allowing us to use parts of the recording in our promotional materials.

For those who are purchasing the “Drum Construction” package, please convert any MIDI instrument into an audio file, in your project file.

Terms of Service:

 – I can decline requests based on inconsistent communication by the customer, the amount of revisions request exceeded and other poor behaviors. 

– A licensing contract will be supplied to you, via e-mail, after discussing the commission during the first Zoom meeting.

– Each customer is given up to three revisions/drafts on their track. 

– Commissions can be used for personal and commercial use

Payment must be upfront via the aMember page here.

– Any inquires can be addressed via e-mail.